Funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).


The UNFPA project is a partnership that took place between 2017 and 2019, in efforts to strengthen the capacity of national institutions and civil society organizations, in delivering quality sexual & reproductive health (RH) rights, services and information, with a specific focus on youth and the most vulnerable populations across the humanitarian and development continuum. It also contributed in promoting safe motherhood and increasing the use of contraceptives.


The main goals for this project were to engage and empower women within the ITS communities to act as advocates, leaders and role models to their peers by providing adequate Reproductive Health (RH) information, changing social norms and attitudes among Syrians towards Family Planning, engaging male motivators in activities, and increasing RH/FP supply as a result of a rise in demand.


In order to achieve these results, targeted villages were mapped in order to identify the beneficiaries and peer educators, through collaboration between municipalities, where Syrian refugees live across the villages. Then, 3 coaches (2 females and one male) were assigned to supervise the implementation of the outreach activities and make sure that the messages provided are communicated, all under the supervision of a project coordinator who monitored and followed up on the implementation of activities in the targeted regions.


The LFPADE organized 4 Focus Group Discussions, between Abbassieh and Borj Shemali. A total of 17 women and 11 men attended these sessions. As for the peer educators, 30 women and 10 men were selected for the positions; they all participated in capacity-building training courses to help implement outreach activities in their communities and transmit their gained knowledge to their peers.


Between Augusts – September 2017, 3 training courses were implemented, during which, coaches and project coordinators participated:


  1. First training course targeted 9 men (11,12,16,17 and 25 of August).
  2. Second training course targeted 13 women (14,15,16,17,21,22,25 & 26 of August)
  3. Third training course targeted 14 women (23,24,25,28,29,30 of August and 12 & 13 of September).

The total number of beneficiaries reached 6448 individuals: 5860 women and 588 men.

Beneficiaries participated in three awareness sessions on reproductive health, safe motherhood and family planning. With these final results, the number of beneficiaries reached, exceeded the original target.

During the implementation of the activities, it was found that there are some misconceptions and a lack of knowledge regarding SRH subjects among Syrian refugees. Most of them do not seek RSH services because they do not have access to, or cannot afford them. That is why, each participant was provided with a referral card and encouraged to seek free-of-charge RH services at the LFPADE reproductive health center in Deir Qanoun Naher. LFPADE also made available a gynecologist, a midwife and a nurse at Deir Qanoun Naher RSH centers to provide RSH services. The number of beneficiaries seeking services from Deir Qanoun Naher was 1450: 25% of the target.

The UNFPA’s role was essential in overseeing the implementation of all the interventions mentioned in the work plan, as well as in providing technical assistance for substantive and financial matters. Regular follow-up took place on a monthly basis between LFPADE and UNFPA, throughout the implementation of the project activities.

Through this project, LFPADE established a roster of facilitators, field coordinators, coaches and women-leaders that they can tap on in future similar projects.

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